For some strange reason I've always loved Halloween, and it's not because of all the candy that's involved. I'd like to think that my fondness for a holiday runs deeper than just chocolate. It's probably because I love fall. I love walking outside and feeling the crispness in the air, watching the leaves fall, pulling out jackets, scarves, and long sleeved shirts. And even though I failed to get any decorations related to Halloween or Autumn up this year I did manage to carve a pumpkin. However, I refuse to post a picture of it. Not out of embarrassment of my lack of artistic abilities; I was able to overcome that problem by using a handy pumpkin carving template, and I think it's one of my best carvings every actually. I, once again, was not fast enough getting the camera out, and sadly my lone Halloween decoration began to mold and rot before I could document it's beauty. I will not force you to look at something so disgusting; I would only do such a thing to my neighbors who are still being subjected to it sitting on our porch. (I'm trying to think of a good way to convince Cory that he wants the privilege of throwing it away, because I don't even want to touch it.)
Despite having a decomposing pile of pumpkin on our porch, and some slightly unhappy neighbors, my Halloween spirit was not dampened, and we celebrated Halloween to it's fullest. I started off the evening by stopping by my parent's to see the nephews in their costumes, and helping Mom bake some cinnamon rolls. After that I drove out to go trick-or-treating with the nieces and nephew in Goodyear. I should add that this drive included me almost running out of gas, unable to find a civilized gas station during rush hour traffic, and ending up at a gas station in the heart of Phoenix that had some.. let's just say.. disreputable looking gentlemen around it. Fortunately nothing came of this adventure other than a full tank of gas, and a creepy Halloween story. After trick-or-treating with the kids I headed home, and got their right as Cory got off work. My Halloween enthusiasm was still going strong, and we decided to go to the corn maze at Schnepf Farms. It wasn't until we were surrounded by corn that I became aware we were in a "haunted" corn maze, and although it definitely added another frightening experience to my Halloween, I prefer "un-haunted" corn mazes. But now that I'm in the safety of my own home, with nothing but a rotten pumpkin to scare me, I have to admit it was pretty exciting to have such a scary night.
Sounds like you guys had fun! We had a pretty busy Halloween night too.
As for the pumpkin on your porch... maybe you could still get some fun out of it by spraying it with hairspray and then lighting it on fire. Then you'll have the wonderful scent of burned pumpkin to enjoy too - fun fun for everyone! (ha ha just kidding!)
Oh Amy I miss you! I could picture you telling me that story like we were still roommates.I can't wait until we can hang out together and sing random songs in manly voices at the top of our lungs. "Take me out to the ballgame". Remember how you would come pick me up from UVSC about every day? Ahhh good times. Anyway, Love your blog!
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