Thursday, February 17, 2011

Check the forecast! (You-Know-Where) must have frozen over.

Growing up every child in my family was required to do chores. There were the weekly Saturday chores such as vacuuming, sweeping, dusting, cleaning a bathroom, collecting all the garbage, etc., etc., etc. Most of these chores would rotate from child to child in order to keep things fair. You know. Because being the only girl in a household overflowing with boys things were rarely fair; so why not make the chores fair? Right?

Then there were the days we would be expected to do yard work. Oh, how I loathed these days! Unlike our weekly chores, the yard work chores did not rotate. My job was always  either pulling weeds, or raking leaves. (Just fyi. These chores combined with cold, wet weather equals.. not fun.) The Brothers would always get the jobs requiring the exciting tools. (Fair, Right? I rest my case.) As long as any one of The Brothers was around I would never get my hands on a cool tool. The only thing a little bit related to a tool I was able to use as a child was a rake.. sometimes a small hand shovel, and these do not fall in the cool-tool category.

When I found out that The Mom would be spending a good portion of her day doing yard work I figured I could stop by and help out. Shocking, I know! But I was bored, and am currently on a shopping hiatus. So, what's a girl to do? Seriously, any suggestions?

Even though I wasn't expecting much, it ended up being the most eventful day I have ever spent in a yard. Of course I spent some quality time with my old companion Madam Rake, but because my parents home is officially devoid of all The Brothers I was finally able to make some new friends too! Mr. Hedge-Trimmer and I briefly became acquainted. Mrs. Leaf-Blower-Turned-Vacuum and I spent quite some time getting to know one another. At one point we even sucked up a bee. That was a little scary, I'm not going to lie.

All in all, it was a grand day. One, that throughout all those wet days spent in a yard on 13th Place, I never dreamed would happen. One, during which I continually glanced up at the sky, because I was sure I would see a pig fly.

Note: The Brothers would try to argue that, being the only girl in said household, I wouldn't know the meaning of un-fair. I would like them to think back on all of the TV shows we watched.. that's right boys! I didn't even know what a chick-flick was until I was in high school.

Also, I'm still not interested in getting to know Sir. Weed-Whacker. He just sounds mean, even from a distance. Is that wrong?

Thursday, February 03, 2011

C.O.L.D. or W.E.A.K.

Me and the Dog on a walk.
A very cold walk.

December of 2005 found me living in Provo, Utah experiencing the coldest winter of my life. Most of the previous 19 winters had been spent in Washington; which would provide 1 or 2 days of snow. For the most part my winters, up to that point, had just been wet so 1 to 2 months of snow was an entirely new thing for me. Therefore, the winter of 2005 was referred to as "The Coldest Winter Known to Amy" from that winter forth.

During "The Coldest Winter Known to Amy" I came to Arizona to visit the family for Christmas. Our first Christmas in Arizona, mind you. I came home to find the entire family wrapped in blankets, wearing robes, long sleeves, and slippers. I would constantly hear them talk about how "freeeeezing" they were.

It was 76 degrees on Christmas day. I was convinced that spring had come early, and that my family had lost their marbles.

70 degree weather in December?
Come ON people!

Fast forward 5 years, and December of 2010 found me living in Chandler, Arizona. Ah! 60-70 degree weather. Sunshine every day. Does it get better than this? I submit that it can not! ( that movie..) I must admit there were times (on the more brisk days) when I would wear a jacket, and maybe a scarf. And I would feel ashamed. But when it's 110-118 degrees during the summer 60-70 degrees can feel pretty. dang. cold. 

I know the rest of the nation is currently experiencing "Snow-pocalypse", and that our 20-30 degree weather (plus SUPER crazy wind) seems pretty insignificant. Especially when compared to the temperatures dropping below 0, and the feet and feet of snow that most of the US is dealing with. But the last 3 days have been the coldest. Ever. Did I mention that the wind situation down here has been out of control? Seriously. Out. Of. Control.

So I have decided to make it official. Tuesday, February 1, 2011 to Thursday, February 3, 2011 will forever be know as "The Coldest 3 Days Known to Amy". That's right 20 degree weather and snow of 2005.. step aside.. and make room for the 20-30 degree weather plus wind of 2011.

I must be getting weak in my old age.

Note: No animals were harmed during the making of this post. The Dog has thoroughly enjoyed "The Coldest 3 Days Known to Amy". Especially during the times she has been allowed outside.

"The Coldest 3 Days Known to Amy" is subject to change. Continuous cold weather may result in additional days to said title.